Laser Therapy: A Magic Wand to Fix Pain?

Up till now, I’ve never seen a magic wand, outside of Disney Studios, but at R&R PT, we now do have a “wand” that can help to take pain away with a few waves back and forth. For Real… and this “wand” is called a Lightforce Class 4 Therapy Laser. A while back I got…
Is a Sitting Job Lethal? How To Keep Desk Work From Literally Shaving Years Off Your Life

Excluding the young athletes we treat in our DFW-area physical therapy practice, the vast majority of our patients have a job that puts them in a chair at a desk job most of each day. You probably don’t need a doctor to tell you that it’s bad to sit around all day, but some interesting…
Is “Pretty Good” Good Enough To Avoid Re-Injury?

Today I’d like to share a cautionary tale about re-injury that we see very commonly in our physical therapy clinic. People who have been injured but are doing really well with treatment and recovering nicely will start to feel “pretty good.” They return to most of the activities that their pain was keeping the from. They get back on the…
COVID-19 Safety Protocol

For those of you who are wanting to come back into the clinic so you can get the hands on treatment that helps you reach your goals of keeping active, naturally with less dependence on pills or procedures… we thought you may want to know all that we are doing to keep you safe with…
Healthy Spine 1: Sciatica Sufferers… Is ‘Stretching’ Making Your Pain Worse?

“I’ve had pain in my right hip and down back of leg for nearly 2 years, there’s no hope for me.” Said a frustrated Donna (age 51), who injured her back during a ‘boot-camp’ exercise class almost 2 years ago… She’d been suffering from that deep ‘tooth-ache’ like feeling in her right hip (literally a…
Ever Heard “There is a Time and Place for Everything”? What do YOU think… T or F?

If you have read my website or blogs you know I am not much on relying only on medication, injections and surgery. But is there a time for these things? Sure. Well how about EXERCISE? Is IT the most important thing? You might be surprised to hear a physical therapist can tell you that EXERCISE…
Hope Starts in a Question?

Did you know HOPE can start with a Question? You may say “What do you mean, Jeff?” Unless a person starts asking a question “Is there anything which can be done to help me?” then they can’t be ready or open for the answer… …. even if an answer or solution is close at hand.…
Is There Anything That Can Help the Pain Down the Back of My Leg?

“I have pain down the back of my leg, it’s been there for 2 years and all the doctor does is give me pills and injections, but it won’t go away. There is nothing that can help!” Or is there? I recently talked to a lady at church who told me her story. She was…
3 Things We Do Daily That Cause Neck/shoulder Pain

Let’s take a real quick quiz that might help you live with less neck pain… (And if you answer “YES” to any of these questions… Keep Reading!) Chances are good that you answered YES to at least one of the above questions. The reason I know this is because for years, the vast majority of…
The Relief of Knowing… What It Is… And What It’s Not – Why One Lady Said That Bad News Was Actually Good News…

Are you like most people that dread going to the doctor to get ANOTHER TEST? How about dreading getting the call to say that your results were negative? My wife told me today that the bad news she got recently was actually good news. Does that sound crazy?… If you are interested to hear what…